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Hansen是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/hansen.html 发布时间:2021-03-24
Hansen是什么意思 Hansen在线翻译 Hansen什么意思 Hansen的意思 Hansen的翻译 Hansen的解释 Hansen的发音 Hansen的同义词 Hansen的反义词 Hansen的例句 Hansen[ˈhænsən] Hansen 基本解释


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1. 汉森:dt) 一级突击大队长副团长: 格拉夫(Graf) 一级突击中队长营长: 施密德胡贝尔(Schmidhuber) 二级突击大队长副营长: 霍夫曼(Hoffmann) 二级突击中队长副营长: 路特尔(Luther) 二级突击中队长团长: 汉森(Hansen) 区队长副团长:

2. 英俊:70,漂亮 beautiful | 71,英俊 Hansen | 72,快点 come on

3. 汉森; 汉森:Hamlet 哈姆雷特 | Hansen 汉森; 汉森 | Hansom 汉萨

4. 汉森阀门:Hezhong 合众(原上一冷品牌) | Hansen 汉森阀门 | Grasso 格拉索冷冻机

Hansen 双语例句

1. Owing to spread is the key factor of affecting traditional bank profit, this study employs ROE, as an agent variable of profit, to test asymmetrical nonlinear relationship of threshold existing or not under different asset scale. This study takes advantage of Panel Threshold Model, advocated by Hansen (1999), to execute empirical test and hope to find optimal asset scale under spread affecting bank profit.

2. IDAHO FALLS - Doug Hansen wrapped his arm around a rolled up fire hose and - as if it were a bowling ball - tossed the firefighter\'s tool out onto the field where it unfurled for several yards.

3. Arrhenius plots of the surface dynamic decay rate constants showed conspicuous breaks at characteristic surface transition temperature T~s.

4. Firstly I will discuss Chad Hansen`s mass noun hypothesis and its relation to cognition in the Mo-bian.

5. Leprosy -- also called Hansen\'s disease -- is a bacterial disease that causes skin wounds and nerve damage.

6. It belongs to the same family of bacteria as those that cause tuberculosis and Hansen\'s disease, also known as leprosy.

7. Cryptococcus albidus Skinner and Trichosporon sp., both isolated from surface of peach fruits, could control gray mold and blue mold of apple fruits; Pichia membranefaciens hansen, isolated from wounds of peach fruits, inhibited rhizopus rot of stone fruit well.

8. Hansen

8. The Russian authorities say the boy was carrying a letter from his adoptive mother back in Tennessee, Torry Hansen.
俄罗斯当局表示,这个小男孩带着他田纳西州的养母Torry Hansen的一封信。

9. Hansen

9. The Top seed LIN Dan, ZHANG Ning, FU Hai Feng/CAI Yun and other world famous players like HADIYANTO Luluk/YULIANTO Alvent, ERIKSEN Jens/LUNDGAARD HANSEN Martin, KIDO Markis/SETIAWAN Hendra of Men\'s Doubles, YAO Jie, WANG Chen of Women\'s Singles are going to give you wonderful games tonight.

10. These products are also manufactured and controlled according to Chr. Hansen\'s high standards.

11. By focusing on reliability and quality, Chr. Hansen has grown to become the world\'s number one provider of cheese cultures.

12. Hansen是什么意思

12. This year the company for the German company manufacturing high-quality Hansen large mine Ex switchgear.

13. It\'s like the steam coming out of your kettle, Hansen-Koharcheck says.
就像从热水壶中喷出的蒸汽一样,Hansen-Koharcheck 说。

14. Hans Hansen\'s namesake skincare line, Hans F. Hansen, includes eye gel, moisturizing cream, aftershave gel, facial scrub, aftershave lotion, and a Beep Cream, for a man\'s nether regions, packaged in sleek black tubes.

15. Hansen是什么意思

15. Jensen and Hansen [31], developed a special, corrugated mould system, which combines the advantages of linear and volumetric measurement.

16. If you accept it, you may lose the trust you once had with your employer, said Randall Hansen, founder of Quintessential Careers, a career development Web site.

17. Hansen的近义词

17. I hope the war\'s still on, Hansen.

18. Frankly, we don\'t know many professional poker players, and Gus Hansen is no exception.

19. I became a co-author in a book with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer and several others.

20. Hansen: Ah, thank you. I\'ll take another.

Hansen 单语例句Hansen在线翻译

1. Investor Chris Hansen has contacted the Maloof family about buying the Sacramento Kings, setting up the possibility of the NBA\'s return to Seattle.

2. Then there\'s the \" commonsense psychological level, \" Hansen noted.

3. The two studies Hansen and his colleagues reviewed included a total of 110 nursing home residents with dementia.

4. Hansen said the Earth\'s atmosphere has got to get back to a level of 350 parts of carbon dioxide per million.

5. The Hansen brothers state emphatically that gold is what they want in 2008.

6. Hansen said that his company is throwing a series of events the BPA University worldwide later this year.

7. \" We see a tipping point occurring right before our eyes, \" Hansen told the AP before the luncheon.

8. The guard then takes Hansen\'s Bible and strikes him in the side of the face with the book.

9. Kitajima won gold in the 100 and 200m at the Athens Olympics four years ago but has largely played second fiddle to rival Hansen since.

10. Three snowballs from Colorado have been bought on American eBay for $ 100 by Connecticut fireman Chris Hansen.

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本文链接: http://hansen.immuno-online.com/view-693787.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)